Sunday, September 13, 2009

When will people see "Green" as "Better"?

There is an old saying that goes like this, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" - this really pisses me off...

Who said anything was broken and who in their right mind knows of the correct direction in which to make things better? This post raises the question, "when will going green be seen as better"? My honest opinion on the matter is, I have no idea, I wish I knew and more so, wish the general public knew it too. South Africa is slowly starting to embrace what they believe is a "better and greener" future. Pikitup, our governmental crap-collectors, have now commissioned a new initiative into waste separation by means of fantastically coloured bags, it's brilliant...but not so brilliant at the same time...why was this initiative not activated 10 years ago? Has anyone been to the national Landfill we have decorated our beautiful Midrand with? It is disgraceful to say the least, if I had a cent for every time I gagged at my last visit I would be able to fund Julius's Presidential Campaign trail...FFS!

Johannesburg's Executive Mayor, Amos Masondo may appear to be pulling out all the stops when it comes to environmental awareness in South Africa, but to us Eco-Foondies, this initiative goes into the spam pile. We, the few, have been separating our waste for years now, making their jobs easier. In the patriotically written blurb in Thursday's, The Citizen (10/09/09), it highlights some of the key factors of Pikitup's pilot project:

Part 1 (which I love dearly...)

"The Red Card initiative is aimed at empowering ordinary citizens. If citizens see anyone littering they can show them the Red card and say it is not cool to do what the offender is doing. A citizen will have the right to immediately call the contact number on the card to inform the authorities who in turn will take the appropriate action" said Masondo.

What a load of sh-t. Are you telling me that if you see someone littering, you have the right to walk straight up to them, in referee style stance, and show them the "Red Card"? Oooooh, I'm shaking in my crocs, come on, they cannot be serious, and where are those "Red Cards", where the hell are mine? I would have gone through a governmental sized years supply of blady Red Cards just this weekend alone. I'd love to see this initiative being enforced in South Africa, someone is just looking for a slap here. As much as I have just slammed this, Part 1, maybe instead of such a tactile approach to littering, why not set up an "Environmental Protection" Hotline, it can even be SMS based to make it easier for "budding environmental protection agents"? Haven't we got a Hotline for practically everything in South Africa...why not this? Why a flipping Red Card...?

Part 2 (Too little, too late...?)

"Separation at Source" - brilliant! What an excellent term that no doubt will be coined upon over and over again in time to come. What Masondo has put forward is an initiative not to teach people nor to educate people on the benefits of waste separation, but to simply give the general public the means to separate their waste. Paper goes in this one, Plastic in this one? Brilliant, 7 more plastic bags for every one South African out there...I mean, where has the common sense disappeared to? Look, I admire the initiative and I think it'll be great in the long run, but what happens if the "long run" is too far to blady run? I feel as though a community based education should have been their first priority, to teach the general public the simple benefits of waste separation! It's all well and good giving people pretty coloured bags to put their waste into, but from that point, if they have no inkling as to where that separated waste is going and why...why should they separate that waste to begin with? Because they're going to get Red Carded by the "Green Police"...seriously, give me a break!

Another couple of points I dislike about this new "waste separation" initiative, why have Pikitup designated a bag for "Garden Waste"...have they never heard of a compost heap? It's education like that that needed to be communicated before this initiative went public.

I fear for the worst when I think about all of this, where were the warnings? Where were the Public Relations? Where are the Public Announcements? The community awareness is almost nil, and it's a shame, really it is.

Any thoughts Sustainable South Africa...?

Who "owns" your Tweets?

As we all know, Twitter has been one of the biggest online media platforms to circumnavigate the internet since the great start-ups such as MySpace and Facebook.

For those of you who are unclear about what Twitter is, you shouldn't be reading blogs, or commenting on them for that matter, so please do me a f--king favour and move on to the next blog...relax, if you are interested in reading on, here's a little blurb about what Twitter is and how it's used:

Twitter is a Social Media Platform for people who just have to "write" about "what you they're doing at a specific moment in time" or what's on their minds and evidently cannot keep it to themselves, I should know, I'm one of them (Example: I'm sitting on the toilet, it's great.).

Twitter allows people to post comments, limited to 140 characters long, as well as link web addresses to your "Tweets" (Twitter's name for your comments) that you might find interesting or enriching of your "Tweet".

You are also able to "Follow" people on Twitter, meaning you have the option to be constantly updated with what a specific person has to say or "Tweet". As you build up your list of people to "Follow" as well as your "Tweet" count, so you will be "Followed" in return. Twitter is all about your "Following", the more you "Tweet", the more "Followers" you'll get!

Just remember a few things...
  • You can protect your Tweets, allowing only the people who Follow you to view your Tweets, it's secure, but limits your scope on potential Followers
  • You are what you Tweet, be careful what you say if you choose to keep your Tweets public, there are very attentive people out there
  • Twitter is mobile and you can update your Twitter account "on the move" with great mobile applications - with out a doubt, the way of the future which will be covered in another post
If you want some more help with Twitter, take some time to do research on the company and the online platform before you go off to your friends and complain about how "crap" it is because, "No one is following me..."...Boo Hoo Captain Tweet...have a read of this blog for some insight into why this phenomenon could be happening to you - - it's informative!

Now, to get back to more pertinent it just me or is Twitter making amendments to their Terms of Service every 2 months or so? I'd think that a major online corporation like Twitter would have had these so called "dynamic" amendments sorted out by now...or maybe I should be embracing the idea that a company like Twitter has to be constantly, flexing and bending their own rules in order to grow and adapt to their already incomprehensible following?

There is no doubt that Twitter is an incredible part of the online evolution as well as the ever growing mobile evolution, but I still stand firm in my opinion when I say that I would have thought Twitter would have their Tweeting-Tweet-Tweet-Shit sorted out by now...

@Green_Guerrilla on Twitter

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remebering Teri Smith - R.I.P.

Teri Smith 1985 - 2009

Rocker, Friend, Party-lover, Hilarious, Kind, Sweet, Loving...Teri Smith contracted Meningitis, unfortunately slipped into a coma and pronounced brain dead on Friday morning (04/09/09) - she will be missed and never forgotten.

"You can shed tears that she is gone,
or you can smile because she has lived.

You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all she's left.

Your heart can be empty because you can't see her,
or you can be full of the love you shared.

You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.

You can remember her only that she is gone,
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.

You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.

Or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”

To one of the most beautiful, intelligent, wonderful and sensitive people I have ever known, you will always remain in my heart Teri-Berrie.

If you had the pleasure of knowing this incredible person, you will know how much this planet will miss her.

Love Always


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Introduction to me: David Alves

Hi there and Welcome to My Blog,

Firstly, thank you for viewing and reading My Blog.

I have taken the plunge into Blogging as an online release due to the limiting factors I find social media networks have these days. I am an avid Twitter user as well as Facebook and MySpace, yet, I find the outlet for freedom of expression some what limiting and thus have constructed this page. I am the owner of two companies, namely Guerrillas Gone Green and ZAGlamour. Both have their own identities and both capture very different sectors of the business world.

To start: An Overview of my current business world

Guerrillas Gone Green -

Guerrillas Gone Green is an environmentally-friendly advertising agency devoted to offsetting our carbon footprint for every advertising campaign we are involved in as well as for our monthly energy consumption.

We integrate Guerrilla Marketing techniques and Environmental consciousness to create cutting edge advertising campaigns all the while using socially responsible methods.

Our Methods Include:

  • "Reverse Graffiti"
  • "Projection Advertising"
  • "Flash Mobbing"
  • "Moss Sculpturing"

AND Guerrillas Gone Green "Green Mobs" which are volunteer driven community clean up "mobs" who can be branded with logo's, buy-lines and corporate images creating a socially responsible avenue for corporate clients to advertise their brands.Using our unique methods we create an alternative means of advertising for small, medium and major corporations, both locally and Worldwide.

ZAGlamour -

At ZAGlamour, we pride ourselves as being a leader in the alternative advertising industry via our interactive online magazine. We are proud to say that we are totally devoted to the promotion of the undiscovered talent within the glamour industry of South Africa which includes, photography and its associated photographers, undiscovered models and designers of all kinds. A major part of ZAGlamour is the interactivity that the website provides to its subscribers.

All of our contracted models are active bloggers on the website giving a media platform for subscribers to interact with our gorgeous models through comments and replies to their insightful and humorous blogs. Another major interactivity of ZAGlamour is our glamorous events which will be held at premium venues throughout the country. This is a chance for the subscribers and invited ZAGlamour VIP's to meet the Girls of ZAGlamour in a social environment.

At these exclusive events, all ZAGlamour invitees will be given VIP treatment by means of exclusive prize give-ways on the night as well as sponsored beverages. As a company, ZAGlamour is constantly striving to put itself forward to the public in every way possible in order to portray an approachable and welcoming, yet glamorous demeanor.

This attitude extends to every part of the company and its interactions with its members on the website as well as at ZAGlamour Premium Events.

As one can see, my business interests are vast and I here I hope to share my love for the business world I have created as well as unique and innovative business ventures I deem pertinent to myself, South Africa and hopefully you, my readers.

Look out for some personal banter on the way soon!


David Alves